Marvel at Naked Statues in the ‘Kingdom of Somchais’ Affection’

I am bemused by this point

Not your average kind of ‘museum’, first of all this is completely outside. The Kingdom of Somchai’s affection is the life work of one man. Sadly not around to maintain and take care of his creations the whole area is little overgrown and wild. This just adds to the vibe….which gets weirder and weirder! Seek this out and Marvel at Naked Statues in the ‘Kingdom of Somchais’ Affection’.


So What Is It Exactly?

Well, it is basically a collection of incredibly individual sculptures who are mostly naked and very tall. Once you have located this special collection you are free to wander around the garden as the place is abandoned since the death of the artist. The garden is free to enter and ‘maintained’ by the neighbours when they have a moment.

Some sculptures are given uses, for example the tallest lady holds a satellite dish up in the air. Another holds a toothbrush and bowl, why just have them as statues if you are short on space? Genius!
Not just females have been created, there were other sculptures which I can only describe as turtles with large phallus’. These were formed in to a path from the entrance leading into the exhibit.

One drawback to the whole experience was that it was full of mosquitos which were biting us to shreds. Thats what you get if you wander into someones wild garden I suppose. We also stupidly visited during the heat of the day, the concrete statues radiating more heat at us!

I don’t know what is happening here to be honest – are they holding a hammock?

It is certainly worth seeking out the ‘Kingdom of Somchais’ Affection’ on this tiny island, just for the amusement value to be honest. I have never seen anything quite like it in my life! (Map below)

And here is how to find it!

For more attractions to visit whilst on this island please read my full blog on what is available on Koh Mak. It may be a tiny island but there are plenty of things available to keep you entertained, mostly free too.

Where Can You Stay on Koh Mak?

The one and only Seavanna Resort of course. I’ve written an entire blog dedicated just to this amazing mini resort.